Recently, Microsoft has launched the Windows 10 Insider build 19613 to Fast Rings Insiders. There weren’t any updates introduced, only some minor bug fixes for Windows Insiders. The issues fixed were the Visual Studio-Monitor, Taskbar/Explorer, Windows Forms apps, Settings app, and the Command-line. Microsoft also announced that the launch of a new Cortana app update would soon be available to the Fast Ring.
However, even if the recent build seems to solve some issues, users reported some new problems, as well. Among issues, you might find the following.
The Green Screen of Death (Win 10 GSOD)
The recent update seems to cause onboard graphics to malfunction. Users reported that they could no longer boot into their systems, and they had to return to the previous build. Here’s what a user said: “Happened three times in a row, so went back to the previous build.”
Office 365 Errors
Other reports suggest that the update brought some issues to the MS Office 365. Users were forced to go online and repair the software. A user said that it went online and solved the error: “I did a full online repair of Office and have not seen the error message again.”
ISO Mounting Troubles
The ISO mounting troubles seem to continue in this build, making the users’ experience worse. On Microsoft Community websites, some users reported issues while trying to mount ISO files. Here’s what a report claims: “Build 19613.1000 still has similar problems mounting ISO files either from Internal SATA or external USB 2.0 and USB 3.0 devices.”
Download Issues
Some Fast Ring claimed that the update takes so long to install that they couldn’t bear it anymore. One user reported that the recent build failed to install, and the error code was 0x80070490.
What Should We Do?
Until Microsoft releases a Windows 10 fix to those errors, you should immediately choose to back up all your data and files before you update your production machines.