Death Stranding is an action game developed by Kojima Productions. Hideo Kojima, the video game director, had an interview that was posted on Japanese website Livedoor. Among the different types of topics, Death Stranding was also brought up in the interview. And that is what we will focus on in this article.
Before moving forward, I need to mention that the interview took place about two months ago, the end of March. However, the interview just popped on the internet today.
Here is Kojima’s opinion on the success of the action game:
“We exceeded the amount needed to be profitable, so I think Death Stranding did well enough to be called a ‘success’, including the recoupment of development costs. We’ll be releasing the PC version as well and we’ve got enough money to prepare for the next project, so there’s no need to worry.”
During the interview, the director also mentions about one of the team’s big projects. Unfortunately, this secret project was canceled. But, the good news is that Kojima did not take this rough situation at heart too much. However, no other information regarding this topic was given away.
“I can’t talk about this because it’s still in the planning stages, but we’re working behind the scenes. Just recently, a big project fell through, so I’m a bit upset for that (laughs).
Well, that happens often in the gaming industry.”
One thing that was going around the internet was a few rumors regarding taking the rights for the Metal Gear Solid and P.T. IPs from Konami. According to Kojima, Kojima Productions have not done that. It looks like the rumors were false.
“Oh, that’s completely false. At least I didn’t hear anything about it at all (laughs).”
The rumor mill is wrong again. So, don’t believe everything that is written on the internet.